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What is Supplemental Health Insurance?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

today's question: what is supplemental health insurance the simple answer is that supplemental health insurance is additional health coverage that pays you a daily amount when you're hospitalized some policy also let you choose additional coverage that pays you when you need other medical services like trips to the emergency room X rays or visits to your doctor's office why is that important well about half of all the money spent on medical costs in the US spend on services that happened at hospitals and hospital services continue to be one of the fastest growing medical expenses in the country so having supplemental insurance to help when you're hospitalized makes sense supplement health insurance pays benefits directly to you or to someone you designate so it really helps you maintain your financial help when you have medical problems you can use the money for whatever you need household bills or to pay medical costs to see how this works let's meet on earlier in the year he enrolled his family and his employers Humana supplemental health insurance plan because he thought it seemed really affordable and recently won found out
just how help with decision turned out to be his youngest daughter Atlanta had to go to the hospital and because Humana supplemental health insurance as effective right away one was able to file a claim that same week so paying Atlantis hospital bills wasn't a huge financial burden one that was a great help he could take a couple of days off work to be with Elena and was able to cut child care costs for his other kids when he needed to stay over at the hospital all in all Dennis supplemental health insurance made a big difference to one's family Atlanta's back home next week she'll be back in school which means that one will be back to work but because he was there 1 was able to keep up with expenses and still be there for his youngest daughter when she did him most just some it up Humana supplemental health insurance can help cover expenses at other wise might fall through the cracks and it lets you focus more on your family's health and less on your finances so now you know about Humana supplemental health insurance coverage until next time stay smart and stay healthy

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